Matlab and Excel Codes
Code for "Solution of Perfect Foresight Sattlepoint Problems: A Simple Method and Applications" (with Martin Brunner) contains:
- ode45ext.m, a modified version of Matlab´s ODE45.M R-K-algorithm to allow for backward integration
- ramsey.m, the neoclassical growth model and ramsdot.m, a function file containing the ODE for ramsey.m
- ode45mod.m, A modified version of ODE45.M, which allows to specify accuracy in approximation of the initial value.
- ramsey2.m, the neoclassical growth model for ode45mod, and ramsdot2.m, a function file containing the ODE for ramsey2.m
- perli.m, the general two-sector growth model according to Benhabib and Perli (1994), and perlipol.m, function file containing the ODE for perli.m.
Code for "A Simple and Intuitive Method to Solve Small Rational Expectation Models" (with Martin Brunner) contains:
- detgrow.m, bestmu.m, rbcfunc.m for the deterministic growth model
- rbc.m, bestmu2, rbcfunc2 for the stochastic growth model with serially uncorrelated shocks (Christiano and Eichenbaum, 1992)
- rbc3.m,bestmu3.m for the stochastic growth model with serially correlated shocks (King et al., 1988).
Code for "Solving Rational Expectations Models Using Excel contains:
- rbcsimpl.xls, the simple neoclassical growth model
- rbc.xls, the general neoclassical growth model
- kpr.xls, the RBC model according to King, Plosser, Rebelo (1988)
- span class="texttt">cooley.xls, a deterministic version of Cooley and Hansen´s (1992) monetary growth model
SoWhat is an easy-to-learn, menu-driven program for the simulation of dynamic systems. No cumbersome programming is necessary. Dynamic models are more or less entered into the program as they are written on paper.
Syntactical errors are immediately recognized and located by the Lexical Scan feature. Endogenous variables are automatically detected, parameter values of the exogenous variables, initial values and simulation options are entered interactively.
Simulations can be stopped and continued after a change of parameter values. A Policy Section allows for an interactive definition of logical constructions of system conditions and conditional changes of parameters and system equations. This feature provides a simple device for using the software for policy simulations, class room exercises, and computer based business games.
Having read SoWhat Quick Start a novice in the theory of dynamical systems should be capable to enter and run, for example, the Solow Growth Model within 5 minutes.
The software contains also an extensive help system that can be used for further reference. German users benefit from a detailed and rather big (2MB) Handbuch.
The software was developed and distributed by Bachmann and Strulik GbR aka Milestones Scientific Software. It is now freely available.
A short description of the model library.