Working papers

Beyond Covid: Pandemics and the Economics of Aging and Longevity (with Volker Grossmann), Cesifo Working Paper 11104, 2024. [paper]

Taking Kuznets Seriously (with Jakob Madsen), Discussion Paper, University of Goettingen, 2024. [paper]

Automation and the Fall and Rise of the Servant Economy (with Astrid Krenz), Discussion Paper, University of Goettingen, 2024. [paper]

Anticipation of Future Consumption, Excessive Savings, and Long-Run Growth (with Johannes Schuenemann and Timo Trimborn), Econmics Working Papers, Aarhus University, 2023. [paper]

Long-Run Economic Growth Despite Population Decline, Discussion Paper, University of Goettingen, 2022. [new version 2023] [matlab code]

The Great Divergence: A Network Approach (with Ines Lindner), CESifo WP No. 5638, 2015. This paper morphed into Innovation and Inequality in a Small World (see publications). Here is the original version. [paper]

Elite Education, Mass Education, and the Transition To Modern Growth, (with Katharina Werner), CESifo WP No. 5619, 2015. [paper]

The Economics of Health Demand and Human Aging: Health Capital vs. Health Deficits (with Carl-Johan Dalgaard), University of Goettingen, Discussion Paper, 2015. [paper]

Staying on the Dole, (with Jean-Robert Tyran and Paolo Vanini), Discussion Paper 377, 2007. [paper]

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