PhD-courses | Master Courses | Bachelor Courses | Seminars |

Makro-Pic Advanced Economic Growth

Master course. Topics: endogenous growth, Schumpeterian growth, directed technical change, technology diffusion, automation and artifical intelligence, and more.

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UN Conference Hall Open Economy Macroeconomics

Master course. Topics: Determinants of the current account, global imbalences, twin deficits, sovereign debt, the European debt crisis, and more.

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korea Deep Determinants

In this Master course we investigate how the long-run macroeconomic performance of countries is affected by deep determinants: policy, institutions, governance, and culture. We also investigate the special role of income inequality within and between countries.

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Makro-Pic Advanced Macroeconomics

Master course. Topics: economic groth, business cycles, unemployment, consumption, investment, monetary and fiscal policy.

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Makro-Pic Advanced Development Economics

Joint Master and PhD Course. In my part of the course we discuss themes of long-run development: 1. Modern vs. Pre-Modern Growth, 2. The Demographic Transition and the History Augmented Solow Model, 3.Human Physiology, Development, and the Reversal of Fortune, 4. The Past and Future of Knowledge-Based Growth.

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oil pump Growth, Resources and the Environment

Master course. Themes covered: Growth and natural ressources, sustainable growth, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, the resource curse, growth and environmental pollution, global warming.

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UN Conference Hall International Political Economy

Master course. Topics: direct and representative democracy, voting in international organisations, lobbying, collective action, economics of alliances, trade wars, trade negotiations, GATT and WTO, custom unions, free trade areas and the EU, protection for sale, globalization.

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Cycles-Pic Business Cycle Theory

Master course. Topics: Measuring business cycles, multiplier-accelerator mechanisms, monetarism, new Keynesian macro, real business cycles, financial frictions, fiscal stimulus, the Great Depression, the recession of 2007-2009.

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two plants Growth and Development

In this Bachelor course we investigate the problem why some countries are so much richer than others. In the first part we analyse the role of investment, education, health, and population growth in economic development. In the second part we focus on technolgical progress. We investigate the measurement of productivity, the Industrial Revolution, die role of basic research and imitation, and the Schumpeterian process of "creative destruction".

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nolde Culture and Long-Run Development

Bachelor Seminar. Themes: Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity; Culture, Institutions, and the Wealth of Nations; Cultural Differences in Europe; Global Evidence on Economic Preferences; Long-run Persistence of Trust and Corruption; and more.

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oil pump Climate Economics

Master Seminar. Themes: The Economic Impacts of Climate Change; The Social Cost of Carbon Revisited; The Distribution of Environmental Damages; Directed Technical Change; Temperature, Physiology and the Wealth of Nations; and more.

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inequality Seminar: Inequality

Bachelor Seminar. Themes: The Correlation of Wealth Across Generatons; How Much of Our Income is Determined by Where We Live?; Inequality of Opportunity and Growth; The Impacts of Neighborhoods on Intergenerational Mobility; Pre-Industrial Inequality; and more.

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Makro-Pic Economics of the Covid-19 Epidemic

Master Seminar. The Covid-19 pandemic also elicited an exponentially growing output of economic papers on the subject. In this seminar, we will cover a selected list of particularly popular and/or interesting studies.

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Makro-Pic Economic Development in the Very Long Run

In this Master seminar we discuss seminal and recent contributions to unified growth theory. Unified growth theory studies the development process in the very long-run, from the first humans to today and beyond.

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long-run Refugees

In this Bachelor seminar we investigate new developments in the economics of refugees and forced migration. We discuss the effect of refugee migration on wages and unemployment in the host country, the differences between refugees and economic migrants, the impact of refugee migration on violence, crime, and voting for the extreme right, the impact of migrating on human capital and innovation, and more.

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long-run Roots of Wealth and Inequality

In this bachelor seminar, we discuss the book "The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality" by Oded Galor, Bodley Head 2022. All participants have read the book before the seminar and present in their essay and seminar talk one selected study and how it relates to a particular chapter of the book.

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long-run Economics of the War in Ukraine

In this master seminar, we discuss journal articles and recent working papers on the economics of war in general and on the war in Ukraine in particular. Due to the topicality of the issue the list of the seminar themes is tentative and will likely be updated until mid April.

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Makro-Pic Automation and Development

In this Master seminar we discuss recent research on the implications of trends in robotization and artificial intelligence for employment, wages, productivity, economic growth, and more.

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long-run Education and Development

In this Bachelor Seminar we discuss recent research on education in the context of growth and development. Themes: Cognitive Skills and Economic Growth; Early Childhood Human Capital and Development; Education and Catch-up in the Industrial Revolution; The Economic Impact of Universities; and more.

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Makro-Pic Gender Inequality and Economic Development

In this Master Seminar we discuss recent research on gender inequality and economic development. Themes: The origin of gender roles; The gender gap, fertility, and growth; Gender gaps and the rise of the service economy; The long-run consequences of male-biased sex ratios; and more.

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Makro-Pic Income and (Other) Measures of Wellbeing

In this Bachelor Seminar we discuss how human well-being can be measured and how alternative measures of subjective well-being are related to personal income and GDP. We also discuss the role of time use, health, sustainability, and poverty in wellbeing research.

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long-run Health and Development

In this bachelor seminar we investigate the causes and consequences of long-run health trends and their interaction with economic development.
Themes: Disease and development; Life expectancy and economic growth; Bismarck’s Health insurance and the mortality decline; Why is the developed world obese? And more.

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oil pump Climate Economics

In this master seminar we investigate new topics in climate economic

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